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PBIAB Publishing


Whistle-Blower Brett Arquette, a 30-year veteran of the Florida Court System and the former Ninth Circuit’s Chief Technology Officer, tells the tale of a court system run amok. Brett contends that Judges Lisa Munyon and Belvin Perry Jr. ran a systematic program of mental torture to try to get Brett to quit so Chief Judge Perry could make his girlfriend (who worked under Brett) the court's new CTO.  Mr. Arquette refers to this job as 30-years of Hell and contends it gave him permanent PTSD. In the end, Brett was successfully fired by Lisa Munyon, who was fulfilling a commitment to her mentor Belvin Perry. Brett lays out a demented story of unchecked judicial power, million-dollar fraud, and judicial mind-games in hopes that the Florida Supreme Court will reform the state's statutes so this can never happen again. A fascinating story of absolute power corrupting absolutely.

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269 Pages
Sixteen Chapters
Available in all major online stores
Publication Date: 5/13/23

PBIAB Publishing

51 E. Jefferson St. 1686

Orlando, Florida 32802


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